Frank Lloyd Wright: the photographic record of his life and works at Avery Library



Frank Lloyd Wright: the photographic record of his life and works at Avery Library


This three-year project will inventory, accession and catalog 83,450 multi-format images in the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archives at Avery Library. This remarkable photographic record captures Wright's life from childhood through adulthood; in context with colleagues and significant contemporaries; photo documentation of his works from construction through completion; and digitized images of his drawings. Material types within this collection include original and copy photographic prints, film reels, stereographs, slides, and digital images. This project will establish a coherent methodology for cataloging multi-format analog and digital image materials across this singularly important architectural archive.


Temporal Coverage

1867 - 1959

Spatial Coverage

FLW in settings across the US and international locations; domestic and public architecture projects in the US, Japan, Europe, and Iraq.


83450 Image

Applicant Unit

Collaborating Institution


Primary Contact

Ms. Carole Ann Fabian



Was Funded