Political Research Associates Special Collection on the American Right Wing



Political Research Associates Special Collection on the American Right Wing


The library and archive at Political Research Associates (PRA) were established in 1982 to house materials written by and about movements, organizations, and individuals known collectively as the U.S. Right. The collection serves as a safe space for researchers and the public who might be reluctant or unable to visit the organizations producing this literature. This grant will enable PRA to systematically organize and catalog approximately half a million documents and objects. We seek to make critical technological upgrades; hire a new librarian, assistant, and interns; implement a new organizational system; and promote the library as an accessible resource for researchers, activist groups, and the general public.


Temporal Coverage

1900 - 0

Spatial Coverage

National Scope, United States of America, Some International, including Africa


500000 Audio (Including Speech And Music), Audiovisual, Book (Including Serials), Dataset (Paper Based Or Electronic), Ephemera, Image, Manuscript, Text (Including Electronic Texts)


Primary Contact

Mr. Tarso Luis Ramos



Was Funded