Critical Mass: Improving Access to the Archives of 20th Century Physicists



Critical Mass: Improving Access to the Archives of 20th Century Physicists


A three-year processing project, to process collections of notable MIT physicists; all leaders and pioneers. The collections include research, teaching, writings, and professional and personal materials. They cover a broad range of topics and research areas and include: theoretical physicists, interdisciplinary approach to materials research; interpreters of science and technology: promoting broad public understanding, and advocating for science policy; mentors and leaders in their scientific disciplines; issues pertaining to women in science; and several connections to the Manhattan Project.

These collections were selected because of their breadth, and because current access is hampered by the lack of processing and description.


Temporal Coverage

1925 - 2005

Spatial Coverage

Primarily United States; smaller amount of materials related to Germany, Italy, Turkey, Denmark, northern Africa, India, Japan


430 Image, Manuscript, Text (Including Electronic Texts)


Primary Contact

Mr. Thomas Rosko



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