Access to All: The Disabilities Rights and Independent Living Movement Collections



Access to All: The Disabilities Rights and Independent Living Movement Collections


As the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act nears, the issues that brought that seminal civil rights legislation forward are of keen interest to researchers. The project will make accessible essential archives that provide the historical context and content to understand how disability rights was formed through the people and organizations behind the movement. The archival collections to be described include the work of such seminal, national figures as Judith Huemann and Fred Fay and advocacy and activist organizations including the World Institute on Disability and the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund. These collections are fundamental to scholarship in the field of disability studies.


Temporal Coverage

1947 - 2012

Spatial Coverage

Nationally, all issues effecting Americans with disabilities.


378 Dataset (Paper Based Or Electronic), Image, Manuscript


Primary Contact

Dr. Elaine Tennant



Was Funded