The Grove Press Records, 1953-1981



The Grove Press Records, 1953-1981


The collection spans formats and includes editorial records, manuscripts, legal and office files, Evergreen Review files, financial records of the Film Division, books, and miscellaneous printed material, including publishers' catalogs and posters. Correspondence and office memorandums of Grove Press editorial staff include those of Donald Allen, Fred Jordan, Richard Seaver, and Judith Schmidt. The editorial records contain a variety of materials which for any particular title may include contracts, correspondence, legal records, photographs, publicity material, reviews, royalty statements, and production records relating to the publication of books by Emmanuelle Arsan, Alan Ayckbourn, Imamu Amiri Baraka, Samuel Beckett, Eric Berne, Paul Bowles, James Broughton, William S. Burroughs, Marguerite Duras, Wallace Fowlie, Robert Frank, Jean Genet, Allen Ginsberg, Maurice Girodias, Witold Gombrowicz, Juan Goytisolo, Nat Hentoff, André Hodeir, Eugène Ionesco, Jack Kerouac, D. H. Lawrence, Henry Miller, Pablo Neruda, Frank O’Hara, Charles Olson, Joe Orton, Harold Pinter, George Reavey, John Rechy, Kenneth Rexroth, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Michael Rumaker, Hubert Selby, Gilbert Sorrentino, Amos Tutuola, Parker Tyler, Tomi Ungerer, Alan Watts, and others. Extensive legal records and clippings files relating to the censorship trials surrounding the American publication of D. H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover, and Henry Miller’s Tropic of Cancer.


Temporal Coverage

1953 - 1981

Spatial Coverage

United States, primarily, but Grove was very active internationally. Scope is global.


545 linear feet
2500 objects


Primary Contact

Suzanne Thorin

Was Funded