Finding Freedom: Documenting the Legacy of Slavery and African American History through the Collections of the Maryland State Archives



Finding Freedom: Documenting the Legacy of Slavery and African American History through the Collections of the Maryland State Archives


The Friends of the Maryland State Archives [MSA] proposes a detailed processing/documentary heritage project of the freedom papers in its collection. This project will fully process 111 manumission and certificate of freedom record series covering the period of 1774-1869 and publish the results online in the Guide to Government Records catalog []. The MSA will digitize and place images of these record series online as the matching component. This project will be conducted by 3 full time professional archival staff members. Quarterly, each individual will completely process 9 collections, including digitization, and conduct a minimum of 1 public outreach activity based on the material they have processed to date.


Temporal Coverage

1774 - 1774

Spatial Coverage

Maryland, entire state


111 Manuscript

Applicant Unit


Primary Contact

Mr. Christopher Haley



Was Funded