An Untouched Resource: Cataloging the Peabody Museum's Invertebrate Zoology Slide Collection



An Untouched Resource: Cataloging the Peabody Museum's Invertebrate Zoology Slide Collection


The Yale Peabody Museum Invertebrate division houses a vast microscope slide collection which has been developed over the past nearly 150 years. More than 50,000 slides have been made as an augment to research by scientists associated with the museum since its inception. Recently, the slides were physically curated and transferred to archival cabinets. The next crucial phase is to catalog the slides into a structured database to allow for contextual searches, something not presently possible. The goal will be to bring the level of curation to the same standard that has been applied to the rest of the Invertebrate Zoology collection and make the entire data available to scientists and students via the museum's searchable web interface.


Temporal Coverage

1864 - 1864

Spatial Coverage



50000 Specimen (Botanical, Geological, Medical, Etc.)


PI2 Institution

Yale University

PI2 Name

Dr. Leo Buss

Primary Contact

Mr. Eric Lazo-Wasem



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