We Still Scream: The Mountain Eagle/Tom and Pat Gish Archives



We Still Scream: The Mountain Eagle/Tom and Pat Gish Archives


The collection covers the period of 1957 to 2005 and includes Mountain Eagle business records as well as the Gish's personal and professional papers amassed through their work as editors of a small-town coal-community newspaper that gained national attention during the War on Poverty. The Gishes were actively concerned with issues of poverty, housing, education, water quality, drug abuse, accountable government, and other issues affecting their community. The Mountain Eagle business records, which are often mixed with the Gish papers, include press releases, news articles (often by local citizens and sometimes hand-written), letters to the editor, color and b/w news photographs and negatives, audio recordings, delivery route records, and bills. The Gish papers include official and personal correspondence, grassroots newsletters, notebooks, fliers, news clippings, journals, art objects, notebooks, VHS tapes, reports, studies, data sets, and other forms of research on low-income housing, education, poverty, coal mining, water quality, and other issues in Appalachia, posters, drafts of speeches and presentations, maps, architectural drawings. The archives include: Pat Gish's files from the earliest years of planning and implementing the East Kentucky Housing Development Corporation and apparently all her documents for the duration of her involvement as its Director; Tom Gish's files throughout his terms as a Board member of the Kentucky Department of Education.


Temporal Coverage

1957 - 2005

Spatial Coverage

The materials cover the town of Whitesburg, KY; Letcher County, KY; state of Kentucky; and central Appalachia and covers a national range as well.


350 boxes



Primary Contact

Caroline Rubens

Was Funded