MCG Jazz Archive Project



MCG Jazz Archive Project


The MCG Jazz Archive Project encompasses metadata that describes thousands of concerts and musicians, along with more than 60,000 photographs in various formats: Approximately 40,000 photographs in 35-mm negatives (50 percent have been scanned) of jazz concerts from 1987 to 2004; Over 8,000 born-digital images documenting every MCG Jazz-sponsored performance held at the MCG Jazz concert hall or other regional venues from 2005 to the present; More than 400 digital images scanned from 35-mm negatives of MCG Jazz recording sessions plus 100 born-digital images of recording sessions; At least 3,000 35-mm negatives and 1,000 born-digital images from co-sponsored festivals and tribute events; Approximately 800 photographs illuminating the founding and early history of MCG Jazz; Over 4,000 photographs representing MCG Jazz's educational outreach activities, including classes, demonstrations and special events for schoolchildren; and Metadata extracted from audio and video recordings (approximately 25 percent completed), paper documents, and digital files describing approximately 200 data points per concert as relating to 20,000 songs performed at 2,000 concerts, 3,000 musicians and several hundred technicians.


Temporal Coverage

1987 - 2013

Spatial Coverage

All materials relate to performances, interviews, and educational outreach at MCG Jazz and affiliated sites throughout the Greater Pittsburgh area.


100 boxes



Primary Contact

Steve Morrison

Was Funded