Labor Rights are Civil Rights/Los Derechos de Trabajo Son Derechos Civiles



Labor Rights are Civil Rights/Los Derechos de Trabajo Son Derechos Civiles


The bilingual archival collections to be arranged, described, preserved and processed for the Labor Rights are Civil Rights/Los Derechos de Trabajo Son Derechos Civiles project include the records of the Alianza Hispano Americana (AHA), founded in Tucson, Arizona in 1894 as a mutual aid benefit society for Mexicans in the Arizona Territory. The Alianza expanded into the southwestern United States and into northern Mexico to protect the civil rights of Mexicans and Mexican Americans in the areas of school segregation, work discrimination and access to government housing. The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), formed in Corpus Christi, Texas in 1929. It is the oldest, active organization of Hispanics in the United States. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., LULAC seeks to pursue goals of equality in government, law, education and business. The Maricopa County Organizing Project, Inc., (MCOP), was founded in Phoenix, Arizona in 1977 as a non-profit organization intent on organizing farm workers in Mexico and negotiating equitable labor contracts with employers in Maricopa County. The Service, Employment and Redevelopment (SER) Project, was a 1964 federally-funded non-profit organization formed to make available job training and education to the economically disadvantaged. The records of the United Steel Workers of America, Local 616 in Clifton, Arizona and the Arizona AFL-CIO, document the civil, legal, and labor rights of workers.


Temporal Coverage

1894 - 2006

Spatial Coverage

Arizona, a U.S./Mexico border state, the Mexican state of Sonora; and the southwestern states of California, Colorado, Texas, and New Mexico.


648 boxes
767 linear feet


Primary Contact

Christine Marin

Was Funded