
American Literary Families: A Preservation and Access Project

Van Alen Institute Design Archive

Fry Collection of Italian History and Culture

Uncovering Pacific Northwest Architectural Drawing Collections

The William Faulkner Collections at the University of Virginia

Rare Middle East Collection Cataloging

Excavating L.A.: USC’s Hidden Southern California Historical Collections

The Public's Right to Know: Cataloging the Hidden Collections of the University Libraries Public Reading Rooms on Nuclear Waste

Immigrant Publishing and Ethnic Print Project

New England Archaeology Collection at the Department of Anthropology, UMass Amherst

Political and Social Activism Pamphlet (PSAP) Collection: Creating Multiple-point Access through Archival Description and Cataloging

Potlatch Corporation Archives: Unveiling the Forest Industry of the Pacific Northwest

The Renaissance Society Exhibition Image Collection

Civil Rights Research within the Academy: the Archives of the Civil Rights Project (CRP)

The Geleve Grice Photograph Collection

Cataloging the Paul H. Gantt Nuremberg Trial Papers

Voices of Change Archive

Women of Substance : Women's History Processing Project

Islamic Arts of the Book at the Smithsonian: Providing for Research Across Disciplines

Recorded Sounds: The First Two Decades

The Loveliest Village: A Century of Transformation in the Upland South

Providing Access to Contemporary Women Artists’ Archives

Richard Hugo House Zine Archive and Publishing Project

Perkins School for the Blind Archives Project

Changing the Landscape: Exposing the Legacy of Modernist Architects and Landscape Architects