
The Gordon Hall and Grace Hoag Collection of Dissenting and Extremist Printed Propaganda, Part II

Expanding Scholarship by Providing Access to Hidden Collections at Cincinnati Museum Center

Expanding Access to Native American Film & Video of the Western Hemisphere

Increasing Access to Africana Collections: The American Committee on Africa and The Africa Fund Records

Black Gold: Panning for Florida's African-American Archival Treasures

The New-York Historical Society American Almanac Collection

Southern Regional Council (SRC) Records

Exposing the Hidden Folklore Collections in the Mid-Atlantic Region

Acting for Animals: Revealing the Records of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare Movements

SCI-Arc Online Video Cataloging Project

Cataloging Artifacts and Related Records of the World Trade Center Attack on September 11, 2001

Capturing History: Cataloging the San Diego Museum of Man's Photographic Collection

Hidden Literary Collections at the University of Illinois

Addressing the Global Significance of the Henry Shelton Sanford Papers

Jack Friend Collection

The Legacy Center

Cataloging Hidden Archives of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology: Increasing Integration and Accessibility for Interdisciplinary Research

Graphic Design Archives: Making the Visually Hidden Revealed to Scholars

Cincinnati Rail History Preservation Project

Silverman-Graham Lee Collection

Missionary Research Library Pamphlets and Reports at the Burke Library

Grayson Family Papers

Mapas historicos de Nuevo Mexico = Historic New Mexico Maps

Unseen American Vernacular Music: Cataloging the U-Matic Video Collection at Country Music Foundation

The KGMB-TV News and Programming Collection