
Bridge and Building Forensics: Civil Engineering Archives at Lehigh University

American View Books

Pocket Collections

The Churchill Weavers Collection - 40,000 Textiles Uncovered

ARC and Artemisia Galleries: Women Artists' Cooperatives in Chicago

Bringing Film Collections to Light: A Project to Uncover Two Unique Collections of Film Ephemera

Discovering the Future: The New York Word's Fairs Collections of 1939 and 1964 at the Museum of the City of New York and the Queens Museum of Art

Private Practices, Public Health: Privacy-Aware Processing to Maximize Access to Health Collections

Out of the Smoke and Ashes: Processing the Records of Pennsylvania’s Coke and Coal Industry

Uncovering Philadelphia's Past: A Regional Solution to Revealing Hidden Collections

Collections and resources for the study of women’s military history

Carl Otto Kretzschmar von Kienbusch Papers

Marvin Chauncey Ross Papers

Lee Metcalf Photograph and Film Collections

Goddard College Archives

Immigration, Migration, and Assimilation in the 20th Century American West: An Oral History Collection at California State University, Northridge

Out West: The LGBTQ Community Archive Cataloging Project

150 Years of the Morrill Act: The Impact of Land Grant Institutions on Agricultural History and Rural Life in the U.S.

Centerpiece: Illuminating the Archives of the Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center

Documenting Advocacy: Human Rights Collections in the Center for Human Rights Documentation and Research, Columbia University

Unearthing the Historic Geology Library and Archives Resources at the Museum of Geology, SDSM&T

Letters to East L.A.: Mexicano American Wartime Correspondence from WWII to Vietnam

City, Borough, Neighborhood, Home: Mapping Brooklyn's Twentieth-Century Urban Identity

Scholarly Threads: Connecting Collections from Academic Sources

The David Sarnoff Collection Processing Project