
Leathersex Underground & the Formation of a Subculture: The Michele Buchanan and Jim Kane Digitization Project

Digitization of an Important Family of Crop Plants (Fabaceae) in the United States National Herbarium

WIS-tv "Awareness": Preserving and making accessible a rare African-American television news magazine show from the 1970s.

Digitizing and Cataloging the Student Work Collection of The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture Archive at The Cooper Union

Fred Bridenstine Negative Collection

Digitizing Newport Historical Society's Glass Format Photographic Collections

"To uplift his morals and save his soul": Digitizing the Records of the American Seamen's Friend Society, 1828-1975.

Academy Sights and Sounds: Digitizing Audiovisual Media

The Digitization of the Cranbrook Academy of Art Master's Thesis Collection

"The Revolutionary City: Philadelphia, 1774-1783"

Behind the Carnegie International: Uncovering 95 Years of Exhibition History

American Music Research Center (AMRC) Glenn Miller Archive (GMA) Digitization of the Edward Burke, Richard March and Walter C. Scott Collections

Digitization of the Vera Beaudin Saeedpour Kurdish Library & Museum Collection

Digitization and Rehousing of the Wyck Association Papers

Digitizing SFAI's Hidden Archives

Women of Design: Revealing Women's Hidden Contributions to the Built Environment

A Pilot Project of the Society of Architectural Historians to Digitize, Share and House At Risk 35mm Slide Collections of Architectural Historians and Built Environment Professionals for Scholarly Research, Teaching and Public Access

40 Years of Book Arts: The Archives of the Center for Book Arts

The Middle East Institute Library Visual Archives Project

San Francisco Traditional Jazz Foundation Archives Project

Digitizing Southern California Water Resources 19th-20th Centuries: A proposal to the Council on Libraries and Information Resources' Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives program

The California Audiovisual Preservation Project: Digitizing Hidden California Light and Sound

Scopes Trial Online Archives: The Scopes Trial and its Cultural Context

The Col. David M. Glantz "˜63 Collection on Soviet Military History

Digitizing the Schwenkfelder Legacy Collection