
The Northeast Los Angeles Historical Community Archive: A multi-perspectival and multimedia repository of daily life, political activism, and cultural expression within a significant twentieth century American urban community during an era of rapid demographic and social change.

The University of Chicago Digital Middle East

The Lesbian/Feminist Spoken Word Collection: Creating a Unique Online Digital Resource for Scholars and the General Public

The Midwest Organic Tools Database: An Online 3D Comparative Collection of a Hidden Archaeological Resource

Digitizing the Case Western Reserve University Hidden Astronomical Photographic Plate Collection

Mayor Richard J. Daley Photograph Digitization Project

Bringing Objects into Focus: Digitizing 40 Years of Hidden Cataloging Photographs, Negatives, and Slides

Digitizing and providing searchable, free online access to the Union Signal, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union's national weekly newspaper, 1883-1953

Digitizing Japanese American Internment in Idaho during World War II

Hidden Experiences of the Civil War: A Collaboration between the American Civil War Museum and the Virginia Historical Society

Poet, President & Pioneer In Women's Education: The Sr. M. Madeleva Wolff, C.S.C. (1887-1964) Papers

Listening to Michigan: Digitizing and disseminating local radio programming

Unreeling History: Preserving and Providing Access to NPR's 'All Things Considered,' 1971-1983

The World's First National Park: Sharing the Heritage of Yellowstone

"Unlike the printed media, television writes on the wind": Providing Access to KAIT 8's 16mm Color Newsfilm (1973-1980) from Northeast Arkansas and Southeast Missouri

The Man Who Loved Government: Digitizing the Papers of Luther Halsey Gulick III, a Pioneer of Public Administration and Scientific Management

Connoisseurs and Capitalists: The Charles Lang Freer Papers and Histories of Collecting in Gilded Age and the Progressive Era America

Revealing Practice: Digitizing Southern Architect and Building News

Digitizing Over Fifty Years of Jukebox Music News: Cash Box, 1942-1996

"All Day Singing": Preserving and Providing Access to Original Early Twentieth Century Field Recordings in the Frank Clyde Brown Collection

Biodiversity Heritage Library Field Notes Project

YWCA of the USA Digitization and Access Project

Revealing Visual Culture: Digitizing Modern Illustrated Periodical Tear Sheets in the Walt Reed Illustration Archive

Photographic Collections of the Erie Canal

New England's Hidden Histories: Providing Public Access to the Manuscripts of New England's First Churches, Incubators of American Democracy