Hidden Collections Registry

Item set


Digital Access to the Speeches and Writings Collection of Luis A. Ferré Aguayo (1929-2002)

Recordings of the Notre Dame Sophomore Literary Festival (1968, 1971, 1972, and 1979): Featuring Tom Stoppard, Allen Ginsberg, Robert Duncan, John Barth, and Others

OHS Sound Recording Digitization Pilot Project

Digitizing the New Bauhaus: Moholy-Nagy and the Institute of Design

Digitizing Storefront’s Archive for Web-based Public Access

Georgetown University Forum: Preserving Historic Radio

The Institute for Advanced Study Squeeze Collection of Athenian Inscriptions

Do No Harm: Discovering the Hidden History of Occupational and Environmental Health in the Dr. Robert A.Kehoe Collection

Digitization and Dissemination of Technically Problematic KUAC-FM Radio (Alaska) Programs (1979-1997)

Citizens’ Council Radio Forums: Digitizing the Interviews of Segregationist Politicians, 1957-1966

Preserving the Interview Recordings of Mel Gussow, American and British Theater Critic

W. W. Law Collection Audio Recordings Preservation

Preserving An American Treasure: The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association's Early Records & Archives from 1852 to 1951

The Mississippi State University Extension Digitization Project

Entrenched Ephemera: A Multilingual Collection of First World War Postcards, Posters, Photos, Pamphlets, and Scrapbooks from the Blavatnik Archive and McGill University Library and Archives

Fabrica: Digitizing the Fiber Arts Artifacts in University of La Verne’s Cultural & Natural History Collections—Indigenous Textiles, Baskets, Looms and other Woven Artifacts From Africa to the Americas

In Their Own Words: The Hidden Recordings of Folk Artists' Interviews From the Rosenak Collection at the American Folk Art Museum Archives

Uncovering Early Artists’ Books: Digitizing The Franklin Furnace Artists’ Books Vertical Files

Rediscovering Our Roots: Digitizing Sound Portraits Productions Materials

“The Euphrates to the Thames: Preserving intellectual discourse from Arab and Islamic diaspora in late 20th century London, selected recordings from the Mohamed Makiya Archive at MIT Libraries.”

Locus Photo & Ephemera Digitization Project

The Sociology of Knowledge in Classical and Molecular Genetics: The 20th Century Scientific Networks of Barbara McClintock and the Jackson Laboratory

The Vermont Project (1944-1976): An Experiment in Building Race Relations

History Revealed: The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts' First 60 Years