Hidden Collections Registry

Item set


Cataloging the Collectors: Documenting Film Stills in the George Eastman House Collection

Denver Botanic Gardens Herbaria and Special Collections

Rural Medical Practice and Education, 1780-2000

Sharing Terpsichore's Legacy: A Collaborative Project (Terpsichore)

Documenting the Family and Social Change in New York: A Collaborative Approach

American View Books

Documenting the Modern Ecumenical Movement: The Hidden Archival Collections of the Burke Library

Chrysler Museum Knoedler Auction Catalog and Artist File Accessibility Project

Illuminating Hidden Collections at the Center for Jewish History

Clementine/Albani Collection Original Cataloging Initiative

Holocaust and Jewish Resistance Collections at Brandeis University

The "Color Curtain" Processing Project: Unveiling the Archives of Chicago's Black Metropolis

Labor Rights are Civil Rights/Los Derechos de Trabajo Son Derechos Civiles

Unknown Outdoors: Documenting the Appalachian Mountain Club's Collections

For the People, for Education, for Science: Web Access to the American Museum of Natural History Archives

Closing the Gap: Identifying and Cataloging Uncataloged Titles in the Classed Collections at the American Antiquarian Society

Labors for the Good of Mankind: Hidden Collections in Science and Social Policy

Song, Speech, and Dance: Special Collections from the Recorded Sound Archives at Yale and Stanford Universities

Revealing Hidden Collections through Minimal Processing and Teaching

Major Railroad Archival Collection

The Mertle Collection: Where Photography Meets the Printing Press

Paul E. Tsongas Congressional and Presidential-Campaign Papers

Turbulent Times: Cataloging the Lawrence Journal-World Newspaper Photographic Collection, 1953-1975

Provide Access to Susan King/Paradise Press Collection

Rescuing Mid-Century Modern: Exposing Hidden Architectural Collections