Hidden Collections Registry

Item set


Rocky Mountain Jewish Medical Heritage Collection

Providing access and minimum description to backlog collections

Cataloging the Archives Collections of ROCS @ NSIDC

The Edward R. Roybal Papers, 1919-2003

Pocket Collections

Los Angeles Art in Primary Source Sound and Moving Images: Deep Indexing to Mine Hidden Time-based Content

Cataloging Hidden Archives of the University of California Museum of Paleontology

Designing the 20th Century: Four Hidden Architectural Collections

Discovering a New World: Cataloging Old and Rare Imprints from Colonial and Early Independent Mexico

Grove Press and a New American Morality

Social Activism in Western New York

Documenting Mexican American & Latino Civil Rights: Records of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund & CA Rural Legal Assistance

Unveiling Images of Our Southern Past: Increasing Access to Visual Materials through Innovative Arrangement, Description and Collaboration

Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery's Audio/Visual Archive

Expanding Access to Native American Film & Video of the Western Hemisphere

Revealing Native American History, Lifeways, and Heritage: National Museum of the American Indian Photo and Media Archives Cataloging Project

Archive of Women's Military History

Islamic Arts of the Book at the Smithsonian: Providing for Research Across Disciplines

Uncovering Audio Visual Media Documenting Post-modern Art at the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Enhancing Access to the History of San Diego and the Border Region

Hidden Histories: Uncovering Women in Music and Art in the Twentieth Century

Houston ARCH: Collaborative LGBT Newspaper Project

ONE Archives 20th Century Activists Cataloging Project

History of Sustainable Agriculture: Louis Bromfield and His Legacy

Unlocking mass culture: cataloging dime novel collections at Northern Illinois University