Hidden Collections Registry

Item set


From DNA to Dinosaurs: The Globalization of Science in America and the Development of a University Natural History Museum

Revealing the history of wildlife conservation through the hidden archives at the Wildlife Conservation Society (New York Zoological Society)

Whitney Museum of American Art - Film and Video Archives 1960s to 2010

Exposing Unknown Boston Local TV News Collections

Maryland Folklife Archives

The Colonel Howard A. MacCord Collection

Van Alen Institute Design Archive

The Forgotten Modern: USC's Hidden Mid-Century Architecture Collections

Fry Collection of Italian History and Culture

Revealing An Architectural Drawing Heritage: Significant Northwest Architects

Revealing Texas Collections of Comedias Sueltas

University of South Florida Libraries Dime Novel Collection


Promoting Research through Rare Book Cataloging Partnerships

The Pruitt and Shanks Photographic Collection: The Life of a Southern Region in 140,000 Images

The Public's Right to Know: Cataloging the Hidden Collections of the University Libraries Public Reading Room on Nuclear Waste and Remediation

Major Railroad Archival Collections

Immigrant and Ethnic Publishing and Print Project

Developing a Collaborative Archive from the African Diaspora (CAAD)

Improving Access to a Large Image Collection: The Baltimore News American Project

Intellectual Acess to Audio Recordings of Northeast Folklore and Oral History

SWIRL: Southern Women Innovators, Reformers, and Leaders

Revealing Secrets: A Project to Provide Access to the Remarkable Literary Archives of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Chicago Photographic Collection: 20th Century Urban Architecture, Industry, and Labor

Accessing 500 Years of Florida's Past through the Historical Map Collection at the P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History