Hidden Collections Registry

Item set


Providing Access to the Archives of the American Geographical Society

Manuscripts and Ephemera Collection

Archive of Women's Military History

Interior Alaska Historic Radio Programs Cataloging Project

City, Borough, Neighborhood, Home: Mapping Brooklyn’s 20th Century Urban Identity

Undiscovered Printmakers: Hidden Treasures in Georgetown University's Library

Los Angeles County Museum of Art Archives

Fales Library Food Studies Collection

The Pennsylvania German Textiles of the Goshenhoppen Historians, the Mennonite Heritage Center and the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center

Expanding Access to Special Collections at the Free Library: the Children’s Literature Research Collection and beyond

Cataloguing Southern California's architectural history

ARLIS Hidden Collections

Little Literary Magazine Archives in the Poetry Collection

Archival Resources for the Post-Civil Rights Era

Documenting Technology Innovation: Perham Collection of Early Electronics

The Crypt of Civilization

Foundations of Dance Research (Foundations)

Hidden Jewish Ethnomusicology from the East: The Archives of Johanna Spector

Increasing Access to Our Aerospace Heritage

Memphis Coalition for Cultural Heritage Cataloging Project

The Forgotten Modern: USC’s Hidden Mid-Century Architecture Collections

Uncovering Appalachian Cultural Heritage Materials

Sounds of America, 1930-60: Revealing a Cultural Legacy of Radio and Audio Discs

Discovering Florida in Maps: A Partnership to Catalog the State's Historic Cartography

From Frontier to Pioneer: Documenting the Social and Cultural Influence of California