Hidden Collections Registry

Item set


Maxwell Museum Document Archive

Re-assembling Detroit’s Cultural Heritage: The Hidden Collections of the Wayne State University Museum of Anthropology

Southern Architect and Building News: Indexing as Access to an Early Architectural Journal

The Pittsburgh Photographic Library

Feminist Theory Archives

David C. Driskell Archive Project

Expeditionary Field Work at the American Museum of Natural History

More Access, Less Backlog: Basic Processing at the Kansas State Historical Society

Increasing Access to Our Aerospace Heritage

Archives of Iowa Broadcasting

Providing Access to Yellowstone and the West: Exposing the Laborers, Builders, Traders and Migratory Workers

Coleman A. Young Mayoral Papers

Uncovering America's musical heritage: the Towne Crier Collection and the Clifford Morris Collection

Erie Canal Photographic Collections Demonstration Project

The Wedgwood Ceramics Collectors Archive Fellowship

Middle Mississippi River Valley Environmental Archives Processing Project

Shasta College Museum Collection

Martha's Vineyard Archives Project

The Roland Park Company Archives and the Martin L. Millspaugh Archives

Unveiling the Clyfford Still Museum Archive

Ken-Way United Photographs Collection

George T. Henry Photograph Project

Field notes and related archival material from 100 years of expeditionary biology and anthropology at the Univ. of Colorado Museum of Natural History

Saving Time: Cataloging America's Hidden Horological History

Cataloging the Southern California Aviation History Collection