Hidden Collections Registry

Item set


An American Mirror: Early Photograph Collections at the Maine State Museum

Uncovering Hidden Collections of Significant National Organizations: A Cataloging Project of the American Jewish Archives

Cataloging the Vertical Files of the Anton Brees Carillon Library

Human Rights Collection drawn from Congressman Benjamin Gilman's Tenure as International Affairs Committee Chair

Popular Cartography, 1800-1920: Maps in Illustrated Magazines, Travel Guidebooks and School Geographies

Makino Collection Film Ephemera and Rare Book Project

D.C. Africana Archives Project (DCAAP)

Uncovering Egyptian Archaeology: Cataloging the Hidden Collections of Ancient Egypt Research Associates

Building New Access Tools for the National Death Penalty Archive

Fresh and Fashionable Goods

Milestones of Kennebunkport, Maine

The Sage of the Osage: Cataloging the Library of Thomas M. Johnson

International Boundary and Water Commission: Constructing the Border: The Work of the International Boundary and Water Commission

Access to All: The Disabilities Rights and Independent Living Movement Collections

Princeton University Library's Latin American Ephemera Project

B-Sides and Rarities: Providing Access to Popular 45-RPM Singles

Cataloging Hidden Collections: San Diego Museum of Man’s Archaeology, Archival and Photographic Collections

Sounds of the Human Sciences: Uncovering Hidden Sound Recordings at the Center for the History of Psychology

The Lichliter Site Project: A Model for Revealing Hidden Archaeological Collections

Leaders in Paleontology: Creating a Resource for Historical and Basic Research from the Hidden Archives of the Paleontological Research Institution

Saving Time: Cataloging America's Hidden Horological History

Fresh Air With Terry Gross, Opening Access to 36 Year Collection of WHYY's Peabody Award Winning Weekday Magazine of Contemporary Arts & Culture

Frontier Science: Providing Access to the Early Scientific History of the American West in the Collections of the California Academy of Sciences

Printing Specimens (1605-present) at the Newberry Library

Robert O. and Helen S. Fay Collection