Hidden Collections Registry

Item set


Robert H. Ruby Papers

Early Photography Collection of Books, Manuals, Catalogs and Lenses

Mosaic Stones of Holocaust Scholarship: Cataloging Undiscovered Collections of Personal and Family Papers at the USHMM

Critical Mass: Improving Access to the Archives of 20th Century Physicists

Sharing Andrew Carnegie's Legacy: Creating "Constellations of Information” by Directly Linking Museum Specimens with Associated Archival Materials

Local Practice, National Impact: The Baker Art Gallery Collection

Uncovering Hidden Pamphlets at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Digging into the Oriental Institute: The Director's Office Correspondence of James Henry Breasted, 1916–1935

Re-discovering the Stars: processing the Museum of the City of New York's Collection on Theatrical Personalities.

"The Great Commercial Emporium of America": Economic History Archives at the New-York Historical Society

Church and State in the United States: Documenting War, Immigration Reform, and Civil Rights from 1859 to 1980

Access to All: The Disabilities Rights and Independent Living Movement Collections

Creating Online Access to the Puerto Rican Community Archives [PRCA]

Cataloging Hidden Archives of The University of Texas at Austin Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory

Women in Science: Behind the scenes

The Jerry Brown Papers at USC Libraries

Hidden Nurses: Processing the Bates Nursing History Center Collections

Massachusetts Petitions on Women's Rights

No joking about art and the 1st Amendment: The Lenny Bruce collection at Brandeis University

Movers and Shakers: the Hidden Archives of the Museum Founders, Dealers, and Early Collectors that Shaped and Defined the Field

AAC Institutional Archives and Photo collections

A model of iterative cataloging for architecture archives in the Art, Design & Architecture Museum, UCSB

The Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania: The Intersection of Politics, Industry, Culture and the Environment

Connecting Art of the People, Art of the World

Senator Charles S. Robb Papers